
Monday, February 4, 2013

My favorite (and not-so-favorite) Super Bowl commercials of 2013

Even though I watch football, I can never stand to watch it for too long. One of the reasons is that it drags on and on. For it being a hardcore contact, action sport, it can be lame on the action (this article shows how 60% of a broadcast can be spent of non-football action, excluding commercials). Of course, add to the fact that you have TONS of commercials in football, and you can understand how I can't help but feel sometimes like I haven't watched an actual football game and have just wasted my time, even though I just spent 3+ hours watching something that was supposed to be a game. You can understand then why I like seeing Super Bowl commercials. It's one of those "once a year" things that make football more bearable (but just a little :P). I always like to grade these commercials, as some of them take some real marketing prowess and genius, which is something I can relate to for grading these commercials. True marketing skills are something I can really appreciate.